Dr. Baoshan Huang
Keynote lecture title: Network-Level Pavement Evaluation Utilizing Traffic Speed Deflectometer (TSD)
Dr. Baoshan Huang is the Edwin G Burdette Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Tennessee – Knoxville, USA, where he has been employed since January 2002. He earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees at Tongji University in China and a Ph.D. at Louisiana State University. His areas of research include transportation infrastructure materials, pavement engineering, geotechnical engineering, and infrastructural asset management. Over the last fifteen years of his professional career, Dr. Huang has secured over ten million dollars of research funding to support his research activities. He has been actively involved in many professional committees, including the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), and the International Society of Asphalt Pavement (ISAP). He was the chair of the ASCE Bituminous Materials Committee (BMC) during 2010 – 2012, past president for the International Association of Chinese Infrastructures Professionals (IACIP), and has been the inaugural editor-in-chief of the Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Materials, associate editors for the ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Journal of Transportation Engineering – Part B: Pavements, Journal of Cleaner Production, and serves in editorial boards for several international journals. Dr. Huang has published over 300 (SCI Indexed) journal papers and holds six US patents (one pending), one International patent, and three Chinese patents on innovative infrastructure materials design and characterization.